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Columbus TheBAG

TheBAG - Reach 800,000+ homes in the Columbus area in TheBAG, delivered each Sunday. Reach a high percentage of central Ohio residences or narrow your target audience. Advertising options include pre-prints in TheBAG, flyers that stick out of TheBAG, print & deliver options, or even advertise in your own clear bag.

Deliver in combination with The Columbus Dispatch subscribers without duplication.

Target by zip code, radius, homes only, geography, demographics, expenditure data from Nielsen, block group targeting or use your client database.


Category:Alternative Media
Delivery:Door Hung
Avg Circ:800,000
Frequency:52 X Year
Buy by:Zip, Zone, DMA, State
Name List Mailing:   No
Broadcast Mailing:   Yes


Average Income:$47,131
Average Age:45
Percent Female:59%
Metro Households