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Living with Teenagers Magazine – Practical, Faith-Based Advice Drives Readership 04/08/2008
Living with teenagers—nobody ever said it would be easy! But it’s a whole lot easier with help and support from Living with Teenagers magazine. In each monthly issue of Living with Teenagers, parents of junior high and high schoolers get what they are searching for: practical, solid, faith-based advice from experts in adolescent health, mental and emotional development, and behavior. They also get the reassurance and encouragement that comes from other parents who have “been there” themselves. Living with Teenagers not only addresses the challenges of parenting teens, but celebrates the unique joys and blessings of the teen years. The typical Living with Teenagers reader is a parent eager for information and products that will help him or her navigate this dynamic, energetic season of life. Readers are in their 30s and 40s with kids in high school and college, and are likely to be maximizing their peak earning potential. 60% reside in dual-income households, although there is a sizeable cluster of single parents as well. They tend to own their own homes, which are equipped with the latest electronics: computer systems, video games, cell phones and digital music players. LWT readers are likely to be computer savvy, comfortable with ordering merchandise and trading stocks online. They travel both domestically and internationally and drive their SUVs to local restaurants and golf courses for entertainment. Echo Media works with a number of national, faith-based publications, and offers a variety of advertising access points to families with teens.
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