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Demographic and Niche Market Breakouts

Echo Media offers a myriad of niche market segments to help narrow down your target audience. By focusing your marketing efforts on specific demographics or behavioral characteristics, advertising is taken to a new level. With 106 categories to choose from, reaching the most viable consumers becomes a simple task that will bring the best return on your investment.

B2B (670 media)
Health (233 media)
Hispanic (475 media)
Homeowners (289 media)
International (393 media)
Men (535 media)
Metro Households (216 media)
Military (193 media)
New Movers (20 media)
Religious (294 media)
Rural Households (990 media)
Senior (599 media)
Women (658 media)
Young Family (216 media)
Secondary Demographic and Niche Market Breakouts
Automotive (124 media)
Avid Readers (20 media)
Boating (30 media)
Camping (42 media)
Canada (407 media)
Catholic Pubs (174 media)
Cooking (54 media)
Crafting (77 media)
DALs (9 media)
Ethnic Pubs (172 media)
Fine Arts (51 media)
Fishing (68 media)
Golf Programs (24 media)
Green (65 media)
History Fans (35 media)
Home Décor (203 media)
Hunting (113 media)
Jewish Pubs (37 media)
Magnet Inserts (14 media)
Music Lovers (30 media)
NASCAR (37 media)
Pet Owners (39 media)
Political (23 media)
Puerto Rico (15 media)
Real Estate (48 media)
Rural Electric (27 media)
Small Business (37 media)
Spanish Language (113 media)
Sports Fans (274 media)
Technology (57 media)
Trade Pubs (365 media)
Travel (96 media)
USPS (2 media)
Additional Demographic and Niche Market Breakouts